Here's what you do:

1. Email Nancy if you would like to be a contributor.

2. Share a Family Home Evening lesson idea. It can be about any gospel principle or topic.

3. It is not necessary, but you can also include a song, scripture, activity, and treat that go along with the lesson.

4. Add a label to your post including the "age range" your lesson applies to and the "gospel principle" you are teaching.

5. Email Nancy if you have any questions, comments, or ideas for this blog.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Preparing for the Temple

Twice today, Andrew pointed to pictures of temples and called them "castles." I figured we needed a refresher course on temples!


1. Obtain 7 pictures of temples (clip art, GAK, Friend, etc.). On the back of each temple, print: Pray, Obey Parents, Love each other, Go to church, Pay tithing, Eat good foods, Be honest.

2. Post the temples on the wall.


Psalms 24: 3-5


1. Have the children stand and sing or say the words to the first part of “I Love to See the Temple” (Children’s Songbook, p. 95), using the following actions:

I love to see the temple (interlock fingers and raise the forefinger of each hand to make a spire). I’m going there someday (walk in place).
To feel the Holy Spirit (put hand over heart),
To listen and to pray (put hand behind ear, then fold arms).

2. Read the above scripture.

3. Tell the children that if they keep Heavenly Father’s commandments, they can go to the temple when they are older. Explain that in the temple we make special promises to Heavenly Father to obey his commandments. We can also be married in the temple, and we can be baptized for people who weren’t baptized while they lived on the earth.

4. Have each child find a temple that is around the room and talk about what is written on the back. Explain that these are things we can do to prepare to go to the temple.


Jenny M said...

Nancy, you have such an awesome idea! Thank you so much for sharing this!